The Insurance Dudes

P&C Sales Success Found Somewhere Weird?

February 23, 2024 The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman Season 3 Episode 675
P&C Sales Success Found Somewhere Weird?
The Insurance Dudes
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The Insurance Dudes
P&C Sales Success Found Somewhere Weird?
Feb 23, 2024 Season 3 Episode 675
The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman

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Unlock the full potential of your sales team as we take you through a powerhouse discussion on shattering sales records and the clever tactics that keep our team hungry for success. Together with my co-host, Jason Feldman, we dissect the unparalleled achievements of our team, spotlighting the standout performer who's on the brink of smashing through the $50k ceiling. We lay out the blueprint of fierce short-term competitions and the electrifying effect of activity-based incentives, which have been the rocket fuel for our weekly achievements. Learn how the seductive pull of a $5,000 getaway for our top earner has injected an undeniable buzz into our ranks – a strategy that not only spikes motivation but breaks down barriers, making the extraordinary seem within reach.

Get ready to transform your mindset and see the same explosive growth in your own venture. We're peeling back the curtain on how a simple psychological twist can turn the fear of missing out into a relentless drive for hitting and exceeding targets. It's a shift that has our sales team consistently aiming for the stars and hitting over 40 sales a month. I'll also share a slice of my personal journey, revealing how confronting the dread of stagnation has become a potent fuel for my ambition. By the end of our talk, you'll not only be armed with strategies that keep you at the industry's edge but also have an exclusive invitation to join us on this exhilarating ride through our free newsletter and an invaluable guide on mastering internet leads.

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Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman
The Insurance Dudes

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Shoot Us A Message!

Unlock the full potential of your sales team as we take you through a powerhouse discussion on shattering sales records and the clever tactics that keep our team hungry for success. Together with my co-host, Jason Feldman, we dissect the unparalleled achievements of our team, spotlighting the standout performer who's on the brink of smashing through the $50k ceiling. We lay out the blueprint of fierce short-term competitions and the electrifying effect of activity-based incentives, which have been the rocket fuel for our weekly achievements. Learn how the seductive pull of a $5,000 getaway for our top earner has injected an undeniable buzz into our ranks – a strategy that not only spikes motivation but breaks down barriers, making the extraordinary seem within reach.

Get ready to transform your mindset and see the same explosive growth in your own venture. We're peeling back the curtain on how a simple psychological twist can turn the fear of missing out into a relentless drive for hitting and exceeding targets. It's a shift that has our sales team consistently aiming for the stars and hitting over 40 sales a month. I'll also share a slice of my personal journey, revealing how confronting the dread of stagnation has become a potent fuel for my ambition. By the end of our talk, you'll not only be armed with strategies that keep you at the industry's edge but also have an exclusive invitation to join us on this exhilarating ride through our free newsletter and an invaluable guide on mastering internet leads.

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And a review over on the Apple Podcasts would be incredible!

Check out our newsletter, webinar, and some great Internet Lead tactics at The Insurance Dudes Homepage.

We appreciate you!

Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman
The Insurance Dudes

Craig Pretzinger:

This is Jason you're never gonna believe this. You want to hear story.

Jason Feltman:

I would love to.

Craig Pretzinger:

It is almost see in a month here. I have four salespeople and have had for the whole year. It's It's been four. And we've been really working at doing a lot of stuff. We're on pace for 235k. And one of them is over 50k on pace. That's

Jason Feltman:

crazy. And you're literally days away from the month.

Craig Pretzinger:


Jason Feltman:

So what's the deal? I want to know, what's

Craig Pretzinger:

the deal?

Jason Feltman:

Give me the secret sauce.

Craig Pretzinger:

It was honestly somewhere that I hadn't even expected. And it's something we've talked about a lot. But if you want to hear about Mr. Jason, you're hanging out till the very end. Oh,

Jason Feltman:

you're a teaser, Mr. Greg.

Craig Pretzinger:

Insurance dudes are on a mission to escape being handcuffed by our agencies.

Jason Feltman:

How? by uncovering the secrets to creating a predictable, consistent and profitable agency Sales Machine.

Craig Pretzinger:

I am Craig Pretzinger.

Jason Feltman:

I am Jason Feldman. We are agents. We are insurances.

Craig Pretzinger:

Okay, so I'm in the in our sales meeting. And we're going through some of the numbers talking about a couple of our comp things that we have going for the team, and they're getting all pumped up getting all excited. I'm doing

Jason Feltman:

frequently, right? Yeah, you got

Craig Pretzinger:

to change it up. And something you and I were talking about a lot was was doing shorter runs, you know, I tend to get in these, the long end of the year one. And I've always kind of done that. And what what I've noticed, and I think you have to is you get a little farther into the year somebody gets behind, and all of a sudden they're so far gone. They can't catch it. It's like a demotivator

Jason Feltman:

100. Right. Yes. So, yes,

Craig Pretzinger:

yeah. So like for, for me, I love the notion of it. But I think that it has to be above and beyond in something that's just crazy, right? Like, just off to the side. And I'll talk about that in a minute. But I want to talk first about what we're doing every week. So we're doing something every week, that's leading to really great weekly engagement from the team. Right? So they're always fired up, because they're competing weekly. Right? For love that Yeah, yeah, and it's not, it's not a ton, a couple 100 bucks here and there. But or 100 bucks for the week, or 50. Or maybe it's stacks if it's if it's, um, you know, number of quotes, but it's always some activity based thing has nothing to do with the results. So whether they asked a certain thing from the script on the call, who did it the most right? And then they'll, they will make a fun, spin the wheel, do whatever, right? So throw in some fun to it, they get all excited. And when you do that, then they're they're thinking about, Oh, I'm gonna get to do this thing, because I did this effort, and they're willing to do it. Right. They love that.

Jason Feltman:

I love it. And so that's it. That's the one thing that Oh, no,

Craig Pretzinger:

oh, no, that's not it. We're not even close. Now, I love the next thing. So let's talk about the big play, because I think this is fun. And I threw it out there because I really wanted to see with the team, how fired up they get. So I teased it on the board just said, half a million dollar producer. I just wrote a half million dollar producer, big trip for 2025. Find out more. And I just wanted to see what they would do. And all of a sudden they're asking me, they're asking Jasmine, what's this? What's that was 500 500,000. And then instead of giving them the answer, he started telling him, Oh, well, that is about 45,000 a month, 47,000 a month? They're like no, no, no, I know how much we have to do. And so we just kept getting them excited, not telling them. I dropped it on today. And and it's basically I talked to a travel agent, had them put together a little package that I could that I could show them a little $5,000 trip. And you may think, Mr. Cray, you're gonna give out five grand, I would happily give out five grand if somebody writes 500,000 in premium for the year, right? That would make sense all day long. And I didn't just throw it out, I pull it out the air, I looked at our lifetime value of somebody that we have 500,000 in premium. And look at what that turns into. It for for us. And for what we write we're looking at at well over close to 300,000 in revenue if if a producer writes 500,000 So can I afford the 5000? Of course, right? All day long. I could afford a much bigger trip for them. Right. But by

Jason Feltman:

listening it goes into that there's

Craig Pretzinger:

no but but honestly like, for them. They went bananas there. Of course they said well, where do we get paid while we're on the trip? Do they have to ask those questions but yeah, at the end of the day, it was they do not okay. Yeah, come on. You're gonna trip. I don't know. We'll

Jason Feltman:

see. interesting now. Yeah, I

Craig Pretzinger:

don't know. I mean, whatever I'm supposed to do is what we'll be doing. Right. And I think the first bridge to cross will be for them to hit that, right? Yeah. I like that. Oh, guess what, Mr. Jason. That was not the one thing either.

Jason Feltman:

Ooh, so you're So, so far, we have our weekly stack, which I love. I've always loved the week, and I especially like it with teams. And that makes it that gives, that always gives a fun element into the weekly, the Monday through Friday, the Monday, Monday through Friday. But now we have energy. Yeah, you have to have that. That's why when. That's why we always get in these conversations. And I, now I don't like the long play. But if you stack, the weekly play with the long play, that's interesting, because I, I love that. I love that because then there's like multiple levels to it, you have to have the short play, because that's exactly what they're doing. Right? They're going that every two weeks, they're getting paid. Right? So right around there, they're getting paid one of those weeks has a has a commission check. So that's, that's the level at which they're expecting thing. So like, if you can do weekly, you're on, you're on fire, because there's they're seeing it, they can see the results immediately. But now we stack this really cool. Long play on it. And I can't wait to hear what else. Oh, and

Craig Pretzinger:

a little subset of the long play. We also showed them how much total commission that means for the year two. So that's an extra 30 grand in commission. They're like, you get paid 30k And you get a trip. I mean, yeah. Right. And, and so then it it's now connecting, connecting them to solve their biggest pain. Okay, now, this is the one thing. Now, if you've listened to this podcast for any length of time, then you know that we've talked about something that everybody on the internet talked about at one point, which is people are far faster to avoid pain, far faster to move to avoid pain than to seek pleasure. Right? Right. So So let's frame this situation with that, right. I had, I do have one that has been here, while two of them been here the same amount of time. One one came in was a very strong salesperson. Okay, so she's, she's capable of hitting it more easily. Because it's not painful for her to do the activity because she gets it. She's, uh, she's, she does does the stuff. Now. That's important, because she's the person that the rest of them saw do it the first time. She's had her 50k month. They've seen it's possible. Right? Right. Because they saw it's possible. They they went through the pain, even though you would avoid it. They they did go through it because it wasn't as painful. We made it incremental. Like we just gradually over the last year kept moving them up until they were hitting it. And they saw,

Jason Feltman:

right that she was able to achieve color

Craig Pretzinger:

Angie, that Angie was able to do it right. So now that now they see it. So this month, or no last month, they all all of them were over 35k. Wow, they might have all been over 40. But it's close. They're all right around 40, which is the important part. All right. So now they've all hit it. And they all they all cleared their commission to like they didn't have chargebacks they were solid. So now,

Jason Feltman:

I want to congratulate you because I don't care what other BS companies say that, Oh, our sales agents reach this much in this much. We know the real numbers. And most of its BS, right? But like to have 40,000 across. Like as a let's see, it's 38 or even 35 average for for sales agents is phenomenal. Yeah.

Craig Pretzinger:

A captive, right. And it's and it's I think I think it's your belief as well as mine. That if somebody could write 35 They can write 50 I mean, that's just no brainer. You know, it's like if somebody can't get past 20 Then they're never gonna that's it. My

Jason Feltman:

sales producer hit I think 54,001 month Cuevas maybe maybe say names. Oh,

Craig Pretzinger:

I said weight loss. Eggs.


Bread terrorist.

Jason Feltman:

Yeah, but yeah. 54,000 And it was like that was the four minute mile. Yes for me. So yeah, I mean, I hunt 2% thing you can do 40k

Craig Pretzinger:

At least in Arizona 40k Is the four minute mile. Like when they were like all of them have now cracked 40 they got paid on 4040 is a big commission jump here. So, you know, my friggin payroll was pretty high this month. Yeah. And it will be high next month. But that's that's fine. Right? Who cares? Because it pays for itself

Jason Feltman:

on Do you want a freaking awesome sales team that is going to pay you a ridiculous commissions in the future. So it might not be your return on investment? And we've talked about this a lot might not be it's not this, this right? You went negative a little bit? This one


probably broke even. It's pretty close. Yeah.

Jason Feltman:

But you know, you're gonna get a minimum of four. You're gonna get a minimum of five renewals for renewals, I think. Yeah, for renewal. minimum, minimum, average. Yeah, on those policies. It's free money at that point, it's kind of you could money,

Craig Pretzinger:

you can almost look at at the like, it's two businesses, you have your main you have the business that's just sitting there and creating the recurring revenue on one side, and then you have your growth business on this side. And this one, the one that has the recurring is helping fund the growth one. And then the growth one is kicking more back over to the it's like the symbiotic thing. But if you don't think of it like that, it get it gets kind of worrisome. And then we're tracking the wrong thing. Wrong activity against the wrong outputs. Does

Jason Feltman:

that right? You're not looking at like, like, I like your analogy there. The two different sides of the business growth units is an investment. You're an investor at that point. Yeah, not just an agency owner, you are an investor, right? Working on the business in the other one, but you're at that point, you're working as an investor, yes.

Craig Pretzinger:

It used to bother me when when like somebody from some marketing company or lead company or whatever said, your investment in this thing will be this because I didn't think of it like an investment. I thought they're stupid. This is frickin stupid sales talk. But then, then, when I started looking at this and thinking of it like this, like an investment, it changes, right? It's like, okay, I'm taking I let's say, I need to make money, and my business isn't making that much money, but I can I have access to$100,000 I can take that money, I can invest it in the market and get my 8% and hopefully it goes up this year. Because if it doesn't, then I'm really behind. Right? I take that. 100,000 put it in my agency, follow a process that I've that I know works, because I've done it and create a money multiplier.

Jason Feltman:

100%. Now let's get back to 54,000. Yeah, you're trying to get up to there. So. So they all clear

Craig Pretzinger:

40 They all now believe. And this is the part, let's put a bow on it. There's a part that I can't believe and and you cannot make this stuff up. Okay. They all told jazz this morning after I left, and they were all pumped, they said, he said, All right, is everybody you know, great, you always all clear for you this month, you're gonna you're all gonna hit it next month, or is everybody hit 40. And, and they, they all like agreed and said that, they said we can't afford to not hit over 40. So understood, like, they now reverse the pain. The pain is no longer I need to do all this, to write this. Right, which they were which they'll figure out ways to avoid and never quite get there. Now the pain is I can't afford to not do that activity because I have to have that the pain is now losing the commission.

Jason Feltman:

100% it's the cost of not the cost of not is everything. It's not. We always talk about this too, when you're investing into like different marketing and all this stuff. What's the cost of not doing? What's the cost of not growing your agency? Like for me not growing my agency would have been especially during the growth period of opening the scratch agency. Wait,

Craig Pretzinger:

is this what you're going to talk about on the next episode?

Jason Feltman:

Yeah, let's just do that. Let's just do that. Sounds

Craig Pretzinger:

like a really rich I'm very interested in that.

Jason Feltman:

Subscribe, opt in for Internet lead secrets. I think it's like seven bucks, but it's the awesome book that you'll get on internet lead secrets than talking about now.

Craig Pretzinger:

Pay and if you know what if you don't want to spend the seven bucks that's fine, go down. You can go get the newsletter newsletters free. We're gonna give you great tasty tidbits. And then you

Jason Feltman:

probably and then you can taste them and that's not good. Never to be the limit

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