The Insurance Dudes

How To NAIL The First 30 Seconds Of An Insurance Phone Call! | Insurance Agency Playbook

The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman Season 3 Episode 630

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The Insurance Dudes are on a mission to find the best insurance agentsaround the country to find out how they are creating some of the top agencies. But they do not stop there, they also bring professionals from other industries for insights that can help agents take their agencies to the next level. 

The Insurance Dudes focus on your agency’s four pillars: Hiring, Training, Marketing and Motivation! We have to keep the sword sharp if we want our agencies to thrive. 

Insurance Dudes are leaders in their home, at their office and in their community. This podcast will keep you on track with like minded high performing agents while keeping entertained!

About Jason and Craig:

Both agents themselves, they both have scaled to around $10 million in premium.  After searching for years for a system to create predictability in their agencies, they developed the Telefunnel after their interviews with so many agents and business leaders.  

Taking several years, tons of trial and error, and hundreds of thousands of dollars on lead spend, they’ve optimized their agencies and teams to write tons of premium, consistently, and nearly on autopilot!

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Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman
The Insurance Dudes

Jason Feltman:

How to nail the first 30 seconds of insurance phone call. And this one is a tough one. I remember when I first started, it was so hard to not sound like a telemarketer.

Craig Pretzinger:

Insurance dudes are on a mission to escape big hit by our agents,

Jason Feltman:

Tao by uncovering the secrets to creating a predictable, consistent and profitable agency Sales Machine.

Craig Pretzinger:

I am Craig Pretzinger.

Jason Feltman:

I am Jason Feldman.

Craig Pretzinger:

We are agents.

Jason Feltman:

We are insurances. Why is that? Greg?

Craig Pretzinger:

I think there's there's a lot of nervousness that goes into the call. You're excited, you know, a lot of a lot of different emotions running through the head, as you pick up that call at you anticipate somebody answering on the other end.

Jason Feltman:

Yep. And it's so important to because in that first few seconds, you could completely lose them. If you can keep them longer than 30 seconds, you're almost guaranteed to be able to do the quote, it's really that initial opener.

Craig Pretzinger:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it reminds me of a story that one of our friends, the agent, Josh, over in California, up the coast from you that he told us a story about somebody called a sales guy that got through all the you know, all the people in his agency finally got to him. And he remembered this guy, he stood out because the guy had such great tone. He was so upbeat. He, you know, he doesn't remember what the guy was selling me remembers the guy, right?

Jason Feltman:

Yeah. And that's so important too. Because like, those are the things you don't think about that. Like, as an agency owner, you might have that sales guy that jumps on the phone, and you're thinking, like, I gotta have that best script ever. Yeah. But it's, it's not the script. It's the way they feel they're making that person feel on the phone? Does it make them feel like they're going to be sold to? Does it make them feel like ejecting from the phone call. And it starts with us as the agency owner, projecting that onto the salesperson, and then the salesperson projecting that. So one of the tips that we always use in our agency that you do too, is that that initial opener has to sound like a friend is calling a friend. Just because that initial knee jerk reaction to a telemarketer or salesperson is click,

Craig Pretzinger:

click or I'm just looking at her I'm not interested, right, let's stop the sub kind of stop it. Oh, because TV stop, right? Yeah, we don't want them to be able to put the brakes on it. And it's a lot harder to put the brakes on somebody that is super upbeat, super nice. And seems like they love what they're doing

Jason Feltman:

100% It's that whole thing like, like, once a person is talking to you, for even a little bit of time, if they invested even a little bit of time with you. They feel bad about just hanging up the phone, they don't feel bad initially at the very beginning. So that like initial split second, like that initial part of the phone call can be the difference between actually quoting a ton of people or not quoting anyone,

Craig Pretzinger:

right. But there's a fine line to that develops over time, the ability to be able to kind of read the situation, read the tone very quickly, and know what level to be at. Right? Because there's a certain level of matching and mirroring that has to go into it as an example. Like somebody's coming in really hot, like, really fired up calling my wife. Right, right, as a sales call. She'd be click, like, she doesn't want that, right. It's too high energy. She wants something a little bit more steady, mellow. Which begs the question, why did she choose me? But

Jason Feltman:

right? But it's, it's so true. Yeah, you don't want to come in too hot. And then if you're listening to us, you're thinking, Oh, I gotta come out of the gates like them. And it's not true. I mean, the one thing that I tell our salespeople all the time is, how do you answer the phone your friend, if you're calling your friend and you're excited to tell them something? How do you show up? Yeah. And that's going to that might not sound excited to like me or somebody else, but it'll sound authentic. It'll sound like, like, like something that I'd be interested in hearing because it's coming from their voice, right? And it helps them to understand to like, put it into perspective. Like get them out of that, sounding like a telemarketer role and more into like, oh, yeah, how do I normally talk?

Craig Pretzinger:

Yeah. It makes me think of the notion of I have a challenge here for the for the audience. This is this is I think, the best thing that somebody could do, or I wish somebody had said with to me when I was young, and I was on the phone and I was making these dials and talking to leads and selling the coverages. One of the things that would have been really good was to approach it the same way that we approach the whole telephoto eye Do right the process is it's it's not emotional. And let's test right we don't know, in North Carolina, with commercial insurance making dials, if it's different, well, it is likely different than colleagues, personal lines in Texas, right? So we may have to adapt depending on where we are, which agency, we're representing all of the different things. So we could test it right? Follow, you make that call, you make that connection, and you come in, and however you do it, we want to be consistent. Do it over and over that same way. And then look at the results after a week baby, right? As a producer, this can be done, you could say, Okay, I'm gonna do super over the top, on every call for this week, it see how that goes, right? And then the next week, take it down a notch. Do that on every call. And now compare the results. Right? If the results are the are better in the second scenario, you know, you're you're now moving towards the right track, you could test a little bit less. But this is what you could do in every aspect of the of the of your script, right?

Jason Feltman:

Yep. So as you're thinking about this, know that that first 30 seconds is everything, like it'll double the amount of sales that you'll get if you nail that, right. It might not seem like an important thing. It might not. It might seem like a ridiculous thing to keep practicing over with your sales reps or whatever. But like, do this and understand how do they sound? Are we getting hung up on a lot like it the difference in what you will make is drastic,

Craig Pretzinger:

right? Because the bigger the change at the top of the funnel, the bigger the impact out of the bottom, right? If we're losing, right now, if you make if there's 100 leads come in, and you make contact with 20 of the ad that only one of the results that are five, let's say what would it be to about two would normally result in a quote, right? That's, that's just kind of the basic numbers. Well, if you can improve that to four, you just doubled the the throughput of that funnel.

Jason Feltman:

Yep. And this is how you start selling a ton as an insurance agency. So let's take a couple action steps here. Do this right now. When you get off the phone, go to your lowest selling sales rep and listen to the just the first 30 seconds of five of their phone calls, and then you'll know how they're doing and you'll know how much money you're gonna make just by listening for 30 seconds.

Craig Pretzinger:

Recorded play it backwards.

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The Insurance Dudes

The Insurance Dudes: Craig Pretzinger & Jason Feltman